All this exercise - it's really time consuming - not tremendously difficult but... and hour or more of PT exercises, swimming 20-30 minutes 3 -4 times/week, riding the exercise bike 20inutes before every swim, now 10 minutes of walking backwards on the treadmill 3 times/week - It's more than marathon trainng and it doesn't feel as productive! Oh well - if it's helping me get better - I' all for it! In order to accomodate all of this I'm up early and not gertting to bed early enough - so I'm tired!
And now thanks to Stefano I'm dreaming of Rome in the fall. My Honey and I were supposed to discuss it at dinner but other things got in the way and now he's working on our tax return - so I won't bother him! We don't have to decide tonight!
Tomorrow I go back to the running Dr. - I don't expect and earth shattering news but you just nevere know! I'll let you know tomorrow night!
OK - Gotta Run!